Monday, July 9, 2007

Homosexuality New Anti-Semitism in Poland

This just in...

The Polish government has officially changed the subject of its Official Hate Program, replacing Jews with homosexuals.

Check it out.

The new (?) trend is apparently moving forward in the interest of "Family Values." And PRI's The World reports that anti-gay Poles are seeking moral encouragement from... you guessed it, the good ol' USA.

I'm just sad that Jerry Falwell is missing out on this.

Guantanamo to move to Siberia

At their recent pow-wow in Kennebunkport, Bush and Putin discussed more than just Putin's proposal to use Soviet technology from the 1890s as part of Bush's new missile shield.

In Scribe Warrior's first mega-exclusive scoop we proudly report -- and you heard it here first! -- that in an attempt to sweeten the deal, Putin also offered Bush use of the entire Soviet-era gulag system. And Bush has accepted! As they shook hands on it, Bush told the Russian president, "The Gitmo prisoners have been complaining about the tropical heat and humidity. Well, this ought to shut them up."

Asked to comment, Michael Moore, speaking from his new home in France, said he has no immediate plans to travel to Siberia to seek medical treatment for ailing and neglected 911 rescue workers. But he wouldn't rule it out.

And in his first nod to global warming, Vice President Cheney scoffed at the Gitmo-to-Siberia plan, reportedly telling an aide, "With global temperatures on the rise, Siberia probably won't be cold enough."

Bush commutes his own sentencing guidelines

According to Libby's 30 month sentence was the minimum sentence possible (!) according to sentencing guidelines prepared by John Ashcroft's justice dept. in 2003 -- guidelines which Bush had been advocating as soon as he got into office. In other words, Scooter got that big 30-month wump on his ass from a paddle designed, built and delivered by George Bush himself!

So what do we learn? Bush not only doesn't respect the rule of law -- he doesn't even respect his own rules.

Ladies and gentlemen, what we're witnessing here is good ol' fashioned Playground Politics: "They're my rules, so I can break 'em if I want to!"

I think George needs a time out, indefinitely.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Catholic souls & children

You wouldn't trust the Catholic Church with your children, so why would you trust them with your soul?

NY taxi drivers = excellent

NY taxi drivers get a bad rap for driving like madmen. Well, they do drive like madmen, but I always feel absolutely safe and secure in a NY cab, even as we're zooming across three lanes of (oncoming) traffic with inches to spare between us and the other cars. I give myself over the way others give themselves over to Jesus.

Here's the thing: the cabbies spend eight, ten, even twelve hours a day driving the city streets. If you did anything day in day out you'd become pretty good at it. So I say: they drive like madmen -- but highly skilled madmen -- making them, well, not at all mad.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Impeach him, seriously

Bush should be tried for war crimes; but that's another story. I've not been on the impeachment bandwagon -- until now -- because I saw no point in wasting my energy. The Dems lacked the backbone; so I thought I might as well spend my time thinking about other things. But now... But now... He's commuted Libby's sentence, thus mocking the jurors and the entire criminal justice system. Meanwhile his v.p. announces he won't hand over documents to the national archive since he's -- breaking news! -- not part of the executive branch of gov't. And I should mention that a higher court upheld Libby's conviction. All of which means Bush and Cheney are not beholden to the judiciary (the courts) nor to their own executive branch (justice). They are literally out of control.

Well, not completely beyond control... There's one last hope in the galaxy, a small band of men and women whom we call... our representatives. (Jeesh, does it have to fall to them?!) But there it is: They must impeach.

Check(s), please. And maybe a little balance? Finally? Someone? Please?

Hello World

It's amazing. I can speak to the whole world. Of course the world might not be listening. But there are things to be said; rants and raves. Ideas about politics that go floating in my head, but now have outlet. The blog as psychotherapy? Political psychotherapy? If we still have free speech in this country (USA), well then, let's have it. Begin...